PeaceLight - Lenomard Card Reading and Tarot Reading

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PeaceLight - Lenomard Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Piracicaba

Chat with PeaceLight - Lenomard Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Piracicaba online. 10-15 years of experience in Tarot Reading. ABOUT MYSELF: I am a born Psychic and Empath, Master Tarologist, Life Coach and Reiki Healer. I have been working as a Spiritual Counselor since 2005, though my attraction to spirituality has been on since I was a child. I use my natural instincts and sharp intuition also in my own Life and for helping others – you can bravely trust my Angel Guides as they are never mistaken, and I am able to channel them in a very clear way. It is not just Readings that I do for you – with the help of my Guides and my clear insights, I can help you find the solution to your worries and situations. HOW I CAN HELP YOU: I can help you in Chakra Cleansing – by Reiki and by crystals; I can help you in soul healing by releasing past pain that block you from feeling blissful in the present; I can help you in finding the best profession for you, also in calling in more money and wealth by releasing blocking thoughts; and I can help you in releasing any type of past issues that still have a negative pattern on your present day life. Though a cautious topic, I can help you in tuning on the resonances of missing people. I work with no tools or with Tarot Cards and a very special Psychic Oracle. When using Tarot, I use different decks for General Readings, for investigating secrets, for Love Readings and for deep psychological and Soul Mate Readings. When using no tools, I do Akashic Channelings – seeing you and those involved in your questions with Third Eye, similarly to when you are watching a movie. By this, I can tell you about scenes, circumstances and appearances that I see, I can tune on how others feel and what motivates them in acting in a certain way, also what 'plans' and intentions they have towards and with you and what you can count on in connection with them. With the same method, I can see your past lives and find connections between your past and present lives – a very interesting thing! Note that the more precise your question is, the more precise answers will be! I CAN HELP YOU IN QUESTIONS REGARDING: Love (marriage, break-up, divorce, dating, Tantra, distant relationships, same sex relationships, Twin Flames, Soul Mates, and most importantly, loving yourself) Finances Career Profession Life Path Health Family Life ABOUT TIMING & Y/N QUESTIONS: I am able to give you time frames, place events in a row, and the great thing in Tarot is that it can perfectly pick up the resonances of the past, the present and the future, thus consequences can be seen – and this way you can also avoid negative consequences if you make changes in time! I can give you Yes or No answers by using my Pendulum – I do not recommend you to do it for yourself, as pendulums can cheat if you influence them. SOME FEEDBACK ABOUT MY WORK: 'PeaceLight is the most amazing lady. You see for yourself how cool and helpful she is. Saved me from pain and helped me get back on track with my life. Thank you, PeaceLight' 'Very intuitive, thank you!' 'One word: AWESOME' 'I thought she was very spot on. I have been dealing with some PTSD from being in the service lately and she helped a little bit just hearing her talk to me. She also gave me some good advice about trying to reach inward and explore my spirituality more which I've been told to do more of by others. I just have a hard time listening apparently. I would recommend her to anybody who wants a detailed and accurate reading. 5 stars.' 'WOW!!! AMAZING READING!!! I cannot believe, her insight and intuition its just amazing... It's funny because I came into her room frustrated because I hadn't found anyone that could give me clarity at all. Just felt in circles and confused. But, I finally was able to get true clarity and she was able to give me. Thank you so much!!! PeaceLight, you are awesome. :) So appreciated for your help, you contacted so well. Blessings' 'Very nice reading – she was able to confirm my situation.' 'Peaceful girl, right and straight, Thank you. :)' 'you are so spot on with your reading and amazing lol funny conversation with you but its so fun! thank you' 'Very honest and caring reader. Not what I wanted to hear, but at least I know. Would recommend.' 'She nailed it. She knew exactly my situation and who I was dealing with without much information. It gives me hope for the future! Thank you!' 'Boro is as amazing as ever!!!!! It's been forever since we've touched base, and it feels so good to be back in touch with her!! She's my long lost friend. Can't wait to talk again!' 'wow. just amazing, every time. she just knows things and sees so deeply into my situation. love her!' 'never have i ever had a reading like this on oranum. ever. wow.' 'She is completely the best psychic on here!!! I can talk to her forever, she is clear and concise, her vision and abilities are beyond awesome and I simply believe she is the best!! Thank you so much. :) God bless!' 'She is the best. I always return to her. She never has to ask me questions. She just knows! Amazing.' 'SHE WAS VERY GOOD.' MY CONVICTIONS: I believe in the Law of Karma – the Ultimate Law of Life and its cycles; also that there is only one religion, that of Love; that there is one language, that of the Heart. My motto is that Life is a big playground where something is either good or it is for us, and once we commonly made up the rules, but basically, there are just three that we should follow: Work, Serve and Love. I am keen on psychodrama and Hellinger Family Constellation – both of them help me a lot in understanding the Human Psyche and Soul better. I adore reading, singing and playing my musical instruments, the violin, the guitar and the piano. I also love long-long walks, especially in forests and at watery places – spiritual channeling is just wonderful when we are out in Nature. I am also a hobby writer and I hope one day my books will be available for public. My Zodiac sign is Capricorn, and I feel it to be my mission to help people recognize how our life changes when we consciously connect our resonances to Mother Earth – also by crystals that She gives us for a healthier and better-balanced life. If you are looking for a Real Expert and you feel I can help you, welcome to a Reading with me! You will like it and I will do my best for you! Peace & Love! "Lord, make me a channel of thy Peace; that where there is hatred, I may bring Love; that where there is wrong, I may bring the Spirit of Forgiveness; that where there is discord, I may bring Harmony; that where there is error, I may bring Truth; that where there is doubt, I may bring Faith; that where there is despair, I may bring Hope; that where there are shadows, I may bring Light; that where there is sadness, I may bring Joy. Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted; to understand than to be understood; to love than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds themselves. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life." (St. Francis) POUR LES MEMBRES FRANÇAIS: Je suis une Coach de Vie, Clairvoyante et Tarologiste Professionelle. Je travaille comme une consultante spirituelle depuis 2005, mais mon attraction vers la spiritualité était présente depuis que j'étais une petite enfant. J'utilise mes instincts naturels et l'intuition forte aussi dans ma propre Vie et pour aider les autres - vous pouvez courageusement faire confiance en mes Guides Angéliques, comme ils ne se trompent jamais, et je suis capable de les canaliser d'une façon très claire. Je peux vous aider dans les questions concernant: Amour (mariage, séparation, divorce, rendez-vous, le Tantra, des relations distantes, des relations homosexuelles, Flammes Jumelles, Soul Mates, et plus important, comment aimer vous-même) Finances Carrière Profession Chemin de Vie État de Santé Vie de Famille Je crois en la Loi du Karma - la Loi Ultime de la Vie et de ses cycles; aussi qu'il n'y a qu'une seule religion, celle de l'Amour; qu'il n'existe qu'une seule langue, celle du Cœur. Ma devise est que la Vie est un grand terrain de jeu où quelque chose est bon ou c'est pour nous, et auparavant, nous avons fait les règles ensemble, mais fondamentalement, il y a seulement trois que nous devrions suivre: travailler, servir et aimer. J'aime beaucoup le psychodrame et la Constellation de Famille d'Hellinger - ces deux m'aidaient tellement beaucoup dans une meilleure compréhension de la psyché humaine et l'âme. Je adore lire, chanter et jouer mes instruments de musique, le violon, la guitare et le piano. Je aime aussi les longues promenades, surtout dans les forêts et sur les lieux aqueux - la canalisation spirituelle est tout simplement merveilleuse quand nous sommes dans la Nature. Je suis aussi une écrivain de passe-temps, et j'espère qu'un jour mes livres seront disponible au public. Mon signe astrologique est Capricorne, et je sais que mon mission est aider les gens de reconnaître comment notre Vie change lorsque nous connectons consciemment nos résonances à la Terre Mère - aussi par des cristaux qu'Elle nous donne pour avoir une Vie plus saine et mieux équilibrée. Si vous pensez que je peux vous aider, ayez une consultation privée avec moi! Vous l'aimerez et je ferai de mon mieux pour vous. Paix et Amour pour tous! :)

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